Unconscious biases are learned attitudes, beliefs and assumptions that we hold subconsciously and affect the way we feel and think about others around us. Everyone has unconscious bias and these can be a major contributor to the lack of diversity and gender equality in the workplace. Whilst these biases are unconscious, individuals and organisations can take steps to minimise their impact.
Gender Equality Solutions' Unconscious Gender Bias Training provides participants with an understanding of the issue of unconscious gender bias in the workplace and provides strategies to help them overcome unconscious bias in their workplaces and as individuals.
​Workshop Delivery
Duration: 3 Hours
Group Size: Maximum 35 Participants
Delivery Format: Face-to-Face
​Workshops are three hours in duration and are delivered within your workplace or community setting. These workshops are designed to be delivered to all staff groups and can accommodate up to 35 participants to maximise participant experience.
Workshop Overview
Topics covered in Unconscious Gender Bias Training include:
Understanding the issue of workplace gender inequality
Exploring gender roles and assumptions
What is unconscious gender bias (with consideration to intersectional forms of bias);
How unconscious gender bias manifests in the workplace;
Why unconscious gender bias in the workplace is harmful; and
Practical strategies that can be implemented at an individual and organisational level to overcome unconscious gender bias.
By exploring the topics above, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviours in a safe and inclusive space.
Workshops can be tailored to suit your workplace, industry or community group. Please speak to us about how we can support the achievement of your organisational goals for gender equality.
Participants complete a pre and post self-assessment survey within the workshop to evaluate impact, satisfaction and to provide feedback. This data is provided back to the organisation through a workshop summary report.
Unconscious Gender Bias Workshops aim to achieve the following outcomes:
Increase participants’ understanding of workplace gender inequality
Increase participants’ understanding of unconscious gender bias
Increase participants’ understanding of how unconscious gender bias can negatively influence workplace decisions and interactions
Empower participants to take action to mitigate the influence of unconscious gender bias in the workplace, personal networks and broader community.
​Contact us to discuss a package to suit your organisation.