Gender Equality Solutions partners with Our Watch to support organisations to implement the Workplace Equality and Respect Standards to increase gender equality in the workplace.
Workplace Equality and Respect is a suite of tools and resources to support workplaces to increase gender equality in the workplace and prevent violence against women. The Workplace Equality and Respect process can support you to assess your organisation and identify key actions to ensure that gender equality and respect are at the centre of your workplace.
Workplaces have a vital role to play in creating an Australia where women are not only safe but also respected, valued and treated as equals in private and public life.
The Workplace Equality and Respect Standards set goals that workplaces must achieve to address gender inequality and prevent violence against women. The Standards guide your workplace through a comprehensive organisational change process, highlighting what needs to be done to create change in the three key areas of leadership, strategy and norms and practices.
The Workplace Equality and Respect Standards help your organisation:
understand how workplaces can address the drivers of violence against women, based on evidence and experience
identify structures, norms and practices that devalue, exclude or marginalise women, and prioritise areas for action
measure baseline performance and track your progress over time against key indicators of workplace gender equality
develop long-term strategies and immediate action plans
implement actions to address the drivers of violence against women
communicate effectively to support cultural change in your workplace and your community.
In partnership with Our Watch, Gender Equality Solutions can support your workplace to effectively implement the Workplace Equality and Respect Standards tailored to your specific settings and needs. We engage and support your workplace to implement the technical aspects of Workplace Equality and Respect through a tailored package of support which can include the following services:
Support the assessment of organisational readiness
Deliver Workplace Equality and Respect training packages for executive, managers, staff and implementation teams
Facilitate workplace self-assessment workshops
Support workplaces to develop or revise policies and/or gender equality action plans
Provision of gender analysis, advice and referral to resources and tools to support workplaces achieve the Workplace Equality and Respect Standards
Provision of reporting and evaluation including training reports, feedback and technical advice on implementation to inform continuous improvement.
You can find out more about Workplace Equality and Respect by visiting workplace.ourwatch.org.au
To discuss how Gender Equality Solutions and Our Watch can support your workplace to get started please contact us.